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Fat-Free Framework is an open-source web framework distributed under the GNU General Public License and hosted by GitHub and Sourceforge. The software seeks to combine a full featureset with a lightweight code base while being easy to learn, use and extend.
Fat-Free Framework HostingContao is an open source content management system (CMS) for people who want a professional internet presence that is easy to maintain.
Contao HostingCodeIgniter is an open-source software rapid development web framework, for use in building dynamic web sites with PHP.
CodeIgniter HostingMustache is a logic-less template syntax. It can be used for HTML, config files, source code - anything. It works by expanding tags in a template using values provided in a hash or object.
Mustache HostingCakePHP is an open-source web framework. It follows the model–view–controller (MVC) approach and is written in PHP, modeled after the concepts of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under the MIT License.
CakePHP HostingEnyo is a JavaScript app framework enabling developers build native-quality HTML5 apps that run everywhere — from phones and tablets to PCs and TVs.
Enyo HostingPython Hosting on Linux Servers
Python HostingJava Hosting packages on Linux servers.
Java HostingApache Roller is a Java-based Open Source "full-featured, Multi-blog, Multi-user, and group-blog server suitable for blog sites large and small".
Apache Roller HostingPrivate JVM hosting with pre-installed Tomcat server.
Private JVM HostingAdult Java Hosting packages on Linux Servers.
Adult Java HostingOpenKM is a Free/Libre document management system that provides a web interface for managing arbitrary files.
OpenKM HostingXWiki is a free wiki software platform written in Java with a design emphasis on extensibility.
XWiki HostingOpenWGA is Web Content Management computer software running on the Java Enterprise Edition Platform.
OpenWGA HostingMagnolia is an open-source digital business platform with a content management system (CMS) at its core.
Magnolia HostingAmetys is a free and open source content management system (CMS) written in Java.
Ametys CMS Hosting